

Image from a favourite web comic (opens in a new tab) of mine depicting a man saying "I am not a clever man."

👋 Welcome to my little corner of the internet

I'm an 🇦🇺 Australian who enjoys gaming and all things tech.

I'm married to a wonderful woman named Alexandra and we have a 😸 fluff butt named Ambrosia. Also a ✝️ believing Anglican, a few favourite verses are Isaiah 40:30-31 (opens in a new tab) and Matthew 9:12-13 (opens in a new tab).

From studying Ancient History for my undergrad degree after high school, I luckily stumbled into the world of working in tech.

👨‍💻 Work

A mate from church referred me for a contractor position in the recruiting team at Atlassian. After a few years – focused mostly on grad and intern recruiting – I made the switch to working in the R&D side of the business building software.

I'm currently working as a Senior Software Developer at Atlassian on our new "Teamwork Directory" product called 🌐 Atlas (opens in a new tab) - I think it's pretty neat. Check it out 👀

https://www.atlassian.com/loop/about (opens in a new tab) is another great resource if wanting to adopt Atlas at your company.

📚 Learning

If you're interested in starting a career in the technology industry check out the Resource Library I've put together.

A major factor in making my career change successful was the wealth of high quality resources available online.

Second only to the friends and family who supported me along the way.





© Andrew HammondRSS

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